Saturday 15 June 2013

Review: YSL Top Secrets Pro Remover

(picture from official YSL site) 

The YSL Top Secrets Pro Remover is a bi-phased oil eye and lip makeup remover. It requires shaking to prior to use and is very effective to get rid of waterproof makeup (including mascara) yet being gentle. I usually saturate this on to a cotton pad, then place it over my eyelid, lips or any area I want to remove my makeup for a few seconds and wipe off with a firm hand. My normal everyday natural makeup usually comes off with 1 time wiping but when I do thick waterproof liner or mascara, it may take 2 or 3 times to get it fully off.   Sometimes I even put a few drops on a cotton bud to clean up smudged eyeliner or lipstick and this is so precise and effective!  I really like how it is so effective, efficient and gentle on my sensitive skin at the same time. 


-none at the moment


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